PEMF Palmwoods
Is PEMF able to help rehabilitate my body?
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy tends to be considered unconventional despite being supported scientifically. PEMF therapy uses certain vibrations that can impact the physical as well as mental health of a person. Due to the use of modern technology, PEMF therapy has become very effective. When you are looking for sustainable effective results using PEMF it is important to understand that it is the high power low frequency devices that will give you these results. More shared on this below.
PEMF is one of the main ways of accessing frequencies which may support a higher vibration leading to better mental and physical health. Research shows that PEMF may reduce pain, swelling, inflammation or discomfort and restore the bodies natural ability for self healing. E.g. in approx. 10 treatments, using a high power low frequency device, soft tissue damage in shoulders, broken bones, asthma, emphysema, endometriosis, in fact any condition that is cellular, may be dramatically improved whilst being non invasive to the body. This cutting edge technology may support restoration and replenish the natural, electrical energy in the body. Many people are astounded when they feel the energy go right to the spot their body needs it most. PEMF therapy gives the body energy and the body's intelligence may then transform the cellular energy within the cells back to full potential.
We are also exposed these days to the harmful effects of excessive technology surrounding us. We can support our bodies to rebalance by swimming in the ocean, walking on the grass barefoot and eating a balanced diet. Many people today also use PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy which research shows provides the frequencies that your body requires to regenerate.
Therefore by restoring your own electromagnetic pulse through PEMF therapy, you are possibly restoring your body’s natural defense against external threats.
Restoring the natural frequencies of the body’s organs/cells may support your body to return to optimum health. You will likely feel the benefit and may rehabilitate your body after only a few sessions if you are using a high power low frequency device. This field is gaining rapid popularity in our efforts to remain well and feel great on a daily basis.
A high power analogue PEMF device is extremely efficient, provides a high power broad spectrum, low frequency, deeply penetrating pulse, whilst increasing energy to the body at a cellular level.
Should you wish to experience these devices we are now in Woombye on the Sunshine Coast. Make an appointment to come and see these PEMF devices and you may feel an amazing sense of well being after just a short session.
$75 per session reduced rates for children
(Pensioner discounts apply please ask)
Sessions initially are approx. 20-30 mins however after a few treatments the time may be increased to 45-50mins if required.
Sometimes for a person that is very unwell or someone new to PEMF the initial session may be 10-15mins. This will be just $45.
Is the Quality of the PEMF Device relevant to the quality of your results?
It's interesting to see today that there are many PEMF devices available. It's certainly challenging to the inexperienced person today trying to make a good decision to know which is better. One of the first distinctions are low power and high power devices. The difference is in the delivery of the magnetic pulse. Only a handful of companies make a high voltage machine. When our cells are unwell they do not readily accept frequencies because they are out of tune. They will accept and require a high power low frequency delivery as this compliments our body. The delivery most natural to our bodies is a high power device using a spark chamber which creates a harmonic frequency. Our cellular energy may then be increased gently supporting our body to improve the condition of our cells. Some people feel an immediate improvement. The E Pulse devices are analogue and have a spark chamber which delivers a low frequency broad spectrum range of frequencies from 0-50hz. All low voltage devices are non spark gap. The spark chamber devices create a harmonic frequency which registers as a broad range of frequencies on an oscilloscope. This may be why horses and other animals love this device. It immediately begins restoring their cellular energy back to full potential.
The E Pulse Elite has the ability to change the intensity (increase/decrease the gauss) and it's the only one that does this which enables exactly the pulse rate/frequency that your body needs. Other devices are set in an olive rhythm which can't be changed. This can be limiting when using the device. A different experience is achieved between high and low pulse rate which gives you more control.
The smaller E Pulse models are almost as good as the Elite however there is no ability to vary the pulse rate and it also has less horse power. The E Pulse Dynamic is 60% of the strength of the Elite. The E Pulse Elite is extremely well respected in the industry with many years of successful maintenance free use. E Pulse has definitely done it the best for the best price.

Does PEMF raise the bodies vibration and promote an increase in energetic frequencies?
Frequency therapy is quite easy to understand once you know what happens in your own body. If you have studied science, you must be familiar with the electromagnetic pulse of the earth. This is measurable. It is also significant to the health of the human body. It is actually as much a necessity as food and water.
Our body generates electromagnetic pulses as well. The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body and it is supported by this electromagnetic pulse to complete the function.
Frequency therapy can actually restore this electromagnetic pulse so you can maintain a healthy life. Pulsed magnetic energy adds a magnetic frequency to the body which dissipates and leaves an electrical charge increasing the energy & frequency of the body at a cellular level.
Is it possible to overcome depression & anxiety with PEMF therapy?
Pulsed electromagnetic stimulation has produced positive results giving support to overcome depression and anxiety. PEMF delivers a painless, magnetic pulse that stimulates nerve cells in the area of the brain involved in mood control and depression. This may require an individual to complete a series of sessions over a few weeks to a couple of months and then on a maintenance basis to be determined by each person and how quickly they respond. There are no uncomfortable side effects with PEMF. A commonly positive result is that a person may feel brighter, happier, lighter and enjoy their life a lot more.
PEMF may also help with
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Athletic Injuries
- Back Pain
- Burns & Inflammation
- Carpel Tunnel
- Cellular Detoxification
- Eliminating scar tissue
- Emphysema
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Fibromyalgia
- Joint Injury
- Sciatica
- Tendonitis
May find general improvement and faster recovery from
- Aches & pain associated with ageing
- Broken bones & bone regeneration
- Hepatitis
- Mental Clarity & Focus and PEMF may also help to overcome depression and anxiety
- Multiple chemical sensitivity
- Osteoarthritis
- Post operative recovery
- Sleep disturbances
Need to know more?
Contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more about the benefits of PEMF therapy.